Day 1. Max's unauthorized Canter and Correction  

Posted by Enlightened Horsemanship

In this video, Max is asked to trot which he does. However he is a bit too excited and breaks into a canter. I correct his cantering, but then he becomes shy about picking up the trot again. This can be seen as he becomes sluggish when I ask him to trot again. He also is seen starting to come down into the walk even before I ask for the walk. It should be noted that I have spent some time today teaching him these commands before filming the video. However, for today, I have not used any equipment as I want to establish myself as being able to communicate with him without the use of halters, ropes, or any other restraints.

This entry was posted on June 14, 2009 at 6/14/2009 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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